Guidelines for Bioconversion-Based Household Type Organic Waste Management

This book is expected to be useful for those who have the passion to participate directly in accelerating the process of not only overcoming waste problems, especially organic waste, but also wanting to turn organic waste into a blessing for Indonesia in particular and the world in general.

Use of BSF Larvae in Organic Waste

Arief Sabdo Yuwono
Priscilia Dana Mentari

The book “Use of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Larvae in Organic Waste Treatment” is published with all the limitations that exist, both from the limited knowledge of the author, the limited time available, and the limitations of its application in the field.

Organic Waste Processing Process with Black Soldier Fly (BSF)

Complete step-by-step guide

This book is based on the experience of operating one ton of organic waste per day at a processing facility in Indonesia, which has been operated for more than two years, and one year of operation at a pilot facility in Sweden. The waste treated at the Indonesian facility is mostly fruit and vegetable waste from the market. Scaling up or transferring information to larger facilities may require some adaptation and adjustment of equipment, although we think the standard procedures described in this book are suitable for larger scales.

Maggots are Part of the Solution for Waste and Food Security

Adupi, Jakarta The condition of our waste is very concerning. The majority of landfills are almost full, and illegal dumps are popping up everywhere. Fortunately, there are various creative initiatives from the community to manage waste independently.

The cultivation of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) maggot, for example, is becoming more popular.

KKP prepares seven locations for magot cultivation centers, JAKARTA – The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) plans to develop massive production of alternative fish feed, one of which is magot.

Head of BRSDM KKP, Sjarief Widjaja, said that his ministry plans to develop seven magot cultivation center locations spread across the archipelago, namely Sukabumi, Karawang, Situbondo, Jepara, Banjar, Tatelu (Manado), and Jambi.


PKK Bandar Lampung Learns to Manage Household Organic Waste to Sentul Bogor

BANDAR LAMPUNG ( The Chairperson of the Bandar Lampung City PKK Movement Team (TP) Hj. Eva Dwiana Herman HN together with 25 cadres, participated in training in processing household organic waste to PT Maggot Indonesia Lestari, Cijayanti Village, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Regency, West Java, Sunday (11/24/2019). Through this training, PKK Bandar Lampung invited cadres to process organic waste into valuable commodities.


Head of the Department makes a Working Visit to PT. Maggot Indonesia Lestari

The Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Environment Agency, Isnawa Adji visited PT Maggot Indonesia Lestari along with the LH Agency staff to Bogor. The company developed a type of fly (Black Soldiers Fly) that can provide many benefits to humans. The larvae produced by Maggot during its life eat organic waste which is a serious problem for us.


'Black Soldier' project to be implemented in Sabah soon

The “Black Soldier” project which is targeted at producing organic steel to local farmers in addition to helping deal with the issue of food waste more effectively, will be implemented in Sabah soon. Sabah Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Datuk Junz Wong said the project is important in today’s world filled with excessive waste that not many can handle, such as bio-organic waste from home contents, wet markets, food stalls, restaurants, farms and so on.


Sabah to go green with Black Soldier project

KOTA KINABALU: Agriculture and Food Industry Minister Datuk Junz Wong has unveiled the ‘Black Soldier’ project which will soon be implemented in Sabah, with an eye to producing organic fertilizers for local farmers while at the same time help to resolve the disposal of food wastes more effectively.

He made the announcement during his recent visit to a ‘Black Soldier’ PT. Maggot Indonesia Lestari project farm in Bogor. Junz was briefed by Pak Markus Susanto on the Bioconversion Waste to Protein process – converting food waste into ‘frass’ (bio-fertilizer).