Maggots of Sustainable Indonesia

Established to give a solution for national protein needed through animal feed and organic fertilizer. By utilizing the potential of “Organic waste”, Maggots of Sustainable Indonesia or called MIL has done research and improvement since 2013, collaborating with experts in multiple related fields, including, ministries, institutions, regency/city government, academic, and affiliate institutions from many countries as a key to optimization organic waste utility as raw material for animal feed and organic fertilizer in one process.

Maggots of Sustainable Indonesia or MIL aims to overcome Indonesia’s dependency on imported protein, such as fish flavor, maize, soybean, and meat-bone for animal feed. By realizing that most farmers are not able to compete because of the impact of the high feed price. MIL viewed the huge potential for waste in Indonesia in 2018 considered as a potential resource that is not utilized.

MIL is using the “Bio-Conversion” method to change organic waste into animal feed and organic fertilizer. This step not only gives a solution toward national protein needed, but also supports government program to achieve food security and food independence, and support Indonesia’s target of “Zero Waste” in 2025. 



Black Soldier Fly have a bigger size than house flies and do not spread illness because their living focus on mating and hatched in hatching box.

Organic waste from food residue, vegetables, fruit, and milk that have not managed well will be processed, shredded, and stirred. Then, It will be used as Black Soldier Feed at the insectarium.

Pre Treatment


Black Soldier Fly 10 gram eggies are placed on 1 kg feed and put into a plastic box. In 3-4 days, the eggs will hatch into larvae.

Tarpaulin bio-pond and floor bio-pond are used for rearing larvae. The feed is given twice with a maximum of 40 kg per bio-pond. After 16 days, larvae are harvested through filtering to separate the maggot residue and larvae. Bio-conversion method will produce larvae that are rich protein as animal feed and maggot residue to mix growing media or fertilizer.



Maggots from rearing are used for laying hens feed with the comparison 60% concentrate and 40% maggots. Feed is given twice a day. Eggs produced are rich in omega because of the high protein from maggots. Omega Egg is the best product from the bio-conversion model. Daily harvest can produce 330 to 350 kg of egg.

Maggot residue from larvae BSF bio-conversion is collected and used as an additional ingredient to cultivate land processing in the farm division. The research showed that adding maggot residue to the farming soil will increase the soil structure and availability of nutrients. Maggot residue application will accelerate the harvest age on horticulture soil for leaf vegetable commodities.

Research and Farming


Tilapia cultivation in 6 tarpaulin pounds is using aquaponics RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System). In each pond have 800 tilapias. The fee contains 60% maggots and 40% pellets. The result of tilapia cultivation by using maggots that are rich of protein will help to increase human food security.

Maggots of Sustainable Indonesia Spirit is “WASTE TO BLESS”


Be an inspirational, innovative, creative organization in utilizing organic waste for sustainable, efficient, and creative agro-industry.


To produce global standard products and services through integrated organic waste management.



To increase the competent capacity every time to achieve our standard target.


To build positive attitude, service, and integrity


Strong commitment to preserve nature through organic waste management


To give an excellent solution and result

We want to build a company that benefits nature at the same time.

We are not only exploiting nature, but we also need to maintain and preserve Indonesia’s rich natural resources.  It takes struggle and cooperation from all parties to build a new value in changing our pattern and behavior in treating waste.

The Indonesian Waste Law No. 18 of 2008 has provided a good foundation and framework as a guideline that we must follow for the continuity of a clean Indonesian nature, while showing the identity of a national civilization.

The utilization of science and technology that continues to develop, requires us to accelerate so that waste that was once a burden, then we change it through appropriate, efficient, and effective processes so that it is well reduced while providing highly useful benefits.

I strongly believe that Indonesia will become a world leader in the use of green technology through an integrated waste management system, independent of protein, independent of feed, and independent of fertilizer while reducing organic waste. A breakthrough step, making dreams come true…

Indonesia is GREAT. Indonesia for a better world.

CEO PT. Maggot Indonesia Lestari