BANDAR LAMPUNG (Lampungpro.co): Chairperson of the Bandar Lampung City PKK Movement Team (TP) Hj. Eva Dwiana Herman HN together with 25 cadres participated in training in processing household organic waste at PT Maggot Indonesia Lestari, Cijayanti Village, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Regency, West Java, Sunday (11/24/2019). Through this training, PKK Bandar Lampung invited cadres to process organic waste into valuable commodities.
“The key to success in handling organic waste starts with women by sorting waste at home. Now, maggot cultivation has been developed as a solution to handling organic waste, as well as to produce caterpillars as a source of protein for fish and chicken farming,” said Eva Dwiana, who directly led and was involved in the training.
This solution, according to Eva, is the easiest and cheapest, and can also be used as additional income for PKK members. The results of this maggot caterpillar cultivation will be used as feed for catfish and chicken as an additional income for PKK members. “So, PKK women can still be at home helping their husbands’ income while dealing with household organic waste,” said Eva, who is also a member of the Lampung Provincial DPRD.
On a large scale, said Bunda Eva, her nickname, processing urban organic waste with maggot caterpillars is also one of the solutions to overcome the production of organic waste that has been dumped into the Bakung Landfill (TPA), Teluk Betung Barat. According to Eva, the PKK’s first step is to emphasize education on sorting waste starting from the household.
“The PKK cadres are expected to spearhead waste segregation. After that, we will design how to handle organic waste on a large scale from restaurants, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and markets. Many countries have used maggot cultivation as a solution, and Bandar Lampung will be a pioneer in handling this organic waste,” said Eva, who is also the wife of the Mayor of Bandar Lampung.
To the training participants, President Director of PT Maggot Indonesia Lestari, Markus Susanto, said that this organic waste processing uses the BSF bioconversion method. “The spearhead is indeed the housewives by sorting waste from the source. One of the obstacles in processing organic waste is that it is still mixed with inorganic waste,” said Markus Susanto.
According to Markus, maggot caterpillars are capable of turning thousands of tons of waste into protein and fertilizer. This caterpillar can be used as fish feed and is now one of the export commodities that are in great demand in European countries. “This organic waste management system can be made on a small to large scale. In Guangzhou, China, it is even made on a large scale that can consume thousands of tons of organic waste per day,” said Markus. (PRO1)
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