God created the universe and everything in it. What God did not create is “waste.” Human, animal and plant life processes and produces waste. With reason, thought, and developed knowledge, the cycle of life and the food chain are naturally studied, observed, and researched, according to the spirit of the birth of the National Waste Law No. 18 of 2008, showing that Indonesian human civilization is growing into maturity, which cares about cleanliness and is responsible for processing waste towards ZERO WASTE.

Through the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle, waste management should not be as it is today. PT Maggot Indonesia Lestari, since 2014, has been committed to being part of the solution to the global waste problem by developing a Bioconversion method through the cultivation of black fly larvae as organic waste decomposing agents. Through this process, organic waste that is smelly, rotten, disgusting, and dirty is processed as feed material to grow black fly larvae. At a certain age, the black fly larvae are harvested as a source of nutrients with good protein, fat, and amino acid content, and are used as feed for fish and livestock. In addition, the residue from the bioconversion process in the form of organic waste, both solid and liquid, which has gone through a natural fermentation process, is a high-quality organic fertilizer.

So, through Bioconversion, waste is processed into protein blessings and organic fertilizer. Waste and environmental issues are resolved in one process. Farmers and ranchers have the opportunity to obtain more economical and quality alternative feed and fertilizer.

PT. MIL converting "waste to bless"
for better world with bio-conversion.

Value Creation from Bio-Conversion

Reduce Space of

Green Sustainability Environment​

Converting to
Protein & Fertilizer

Contribution for
Helping Farmer

Education, Research,